
Ableton unveils new features for Live 12

Including instruments, Max For Live devices, and more.

Ableton, makers of Live, one of the most popular DAWs, have announced that the 12th version of the program will integrate a wide array of new sounds and features. Live 12 will be released in early 2024.

In terms of new sounds, Live 12 boasts a new instrument called “Meld”, a bi-timbral, two-oscillator synth designed to create textures and experimental sounds. Other additions include “Roar” (a new saturation effect with a modulation matrix), four new Max for Live devices, new sound packs, and an updated “Granulator”, which now boasts MPE capability and the ability to capture audio in real-time.

MIDI-wise, Live 12 will also feature new generators that can create variations according to note information. Also, intuitive rearrangements are now possible based on velocity, pitch, and/or duration.

Regarding its UI, Live 12 will also see new upgrades, with a simplified appearance and a reduced visual complexity, while the software’s “Stacked Detail View” will enable users to see the devices and the clip editor simultaneously.

Live 12 is expected to hit the shelves in early 2024. You can learn more about Ableton Live 12 here.

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