
An Interview with Jan Blomqvist: From Berlin to Miami

An Interview with Jan Blomqvist: From Berlin to Miami

Jan Blomqvist has forged a distinctive path in the electronic music scene. His musical journey began in the realm of grunge, but his immersion in Berlin’s vibrant electronic music culture led to a new creative direction.

Photo by Christian Dammann   

Blomqvist’s music is all about dreamy vocals, paired with simple yet impactful beats, and it creates a captivating atmosphere. What sets him apart is his live performances, which have a magical quality, whisking the audience away to a sonic paradise where melodies seamlessly blend with electronic elements. It’s a truly transformative experience.

With a jam-packed touring schedule and a string of impressive releases, Blomqvist has earned his place as a trailblazer in electronic music. His unwavering commitment to crafting intricate soundscapes and his knack for forming deep connections with audiences have garnered him a dedicated fan base spanning the globe.

Now, Jan Blomqvist is gearing up for an exciting performance at Art With Me Miami, a festival that celebrates the intersection of art and music. It promises to be a memorable journey through the heart of electronic emotion, leaving an everlasting mark on all those lucky enough to be there.

EG: Hi Jan! Welcome to EG. It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. How have you been? Where are you right now?

Jan Blomqvist: Hey there! Thanks for having me. I’m pretty good. I’m at home in Ibiza at the moment enjoying some family time with my 3-month-old daughter. She’s a very chill person. I could use some of that zen she brought with her.

EG: You’ve had a remarkable journey in music, transitioning from grunge to electronic music. Can you share the pivotal moment when you decided to embrace electronic music, and how did this transition shape your artistic direction?

Jan Blomqvist: I can’t name a single moment as a pivotal point. My friends and I had moved to Berlin in the early noughties and electronic music was all around us. Spending time on the dark dance floors of the numerous clubs just changed something inside me. I knew two things: I wanted to change genres but I couldn’t let go of singing to my music. Back in the day, vocals were rare in electronic music but this was not for me. This is when I started to experiment with xx at home.

EG: Now, you’re on the lineup for Miami’s Art With Me. Congratulations! Your live performances are known for their unique blend of vocals, melodic songwriting, and electronic beats. How do you adapt your live set to fit the immersive and transformative nature of Art With Me Miami, where art and music come together in a unique way?

Jan Blomqvist: The plan is to be as responsive to the crowd as I can be, to adapt to the vibe coming from the audience. Let’s see what will happen! I’m very much looking forward to playing in Miami again.

EG: With your extensive touring schedule and countless gigs, how do you maintain a sense of creative inspiration and freshness in your music? Are there any rituals or practices you follow while on the road that you’ll bring to your performance at Art With Me Miami?

Jan Blomqvist: You’re definitely having a point here. Playing so often can be emotionally and physically draining. The amazing thing is that coming to a special place can also be the opposite of draining. A unique atmosphere on stage, and a deep connection to the audience can do wonders. I consider Art With Me Miami as such a place, so I’m not worried that we’ll have an amazing time. I’m very much looking forward to dancing with you.

EG: You’ve performed at some of the biggest festivals in the world. Can you share a memorable moment or experience from one of these performances that left a lasting impact on you?

Jan Blomqvist: My gigs at Burning Man are definitely amongst the top experiences of my performing life. Maybe also of my life in general. A sunset in the desert is a surreal setting for my music and it underlines certain parts of my music that I really enjoy.

“We are putting a lot of extra effort into making musical nuance audible on stage. We do this in the form of different mixes for the stage setting and also work a lot on the vocal side of things, to make it sound very clear.”

EG: Let’s talk about your new music. Can you provide a glimpse into your creative process when producing new tracks? How do you decide which ideas to pursue, and can we expect to hear some of these new sounds at Art With Me Miami?

Jan Blomqvist: Yes, I will definitely play some new tracks. As to my creative process: Lately, I have been enjoying browsing the archives and giving some new life and a grown-up perspective to some old ideas of mine.

EG: Berlin is known for its vibrant music scene. How has living in the city influenced your musical journey and the evolution of your sound?

Jan Blomqvist: Berlin is a big part of why I am here as the Jan Blomqvist who’s playing the music he does. As I mentioned earlier: Moving to Berlin introduced me to electronic music which made me start experimenting with it.

EG: Your meticulous attention to detail in music production is evident. Could you delve into your production techniques and how you ensure that these nuances shine during your live performances?

Jan Blomqvist: Nice question. We are putting a lot of extra effort into making musical nuance audible on stage. We do this in the form of different mixes for the stage setting and also work a lot on the vocal side of things, to make it sound very clear. Apart from that, I feel that my performance can also help to draw attention to detail, at least to some extent. Sadly, all these efforts can be in vain if the sound settings in a venue are not good enough to reflect our work.

EG: ‘Alone’, your recent single featuring Malou, explores themes of solitude. How do you relate to the emotions conveyed in this track, especially considering your extensive travel schedule?

Jan Blomqvist: Touring can feel very alone. By now, I often travel with a Tour Manager who is my friend or other close people are joining me. Malou’s idea of a track to cover this subject resonated with me considerably.

EG: Career-wise, what is the best advice you can give aspiring performers and producers? What would you have liked to know when you were just starting out?

Jan Blomqvist: Don’t quit and do the work, that might be the most important thing I can say. The problem is that this is easier said retrospectively. If you have been working on your music for a long time and you still can’t make a living, and you don’t know if you ever will, it’s sometimes hard to stay with it and not despair. I have been there. A good amount of luck definitely also helps.

EG: What’s next for Jan Blomqvist? Where can your fans catch you next? What new milestones are you looking forward to in 2024?

Jan Blomqvist: We have some exciting releases planned for 2024. But as of now, I can’t say anything definitive yet. You’ll have to be patient and see what the new year brings.

EG: Thank you for your time, Jan! We’re excited to see what’s in store for you. Take care!

Jan Blomqvist: Thanks for the time. All the best!

Jan Blomqvist is set to perform at Art With Me Miami on December 10th, 2023. Get your tickets here.

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